Full Toro Power Clear 518 ZR Snow Blower Specs

intake width

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Main sub-categoryGas snow blower cheaper than $500

Intake Specs
Intake dimensions18-inch wide x 9-inch deep (height)
Blower type1-stage (Single-stage)
Auger StylePower curve rotor
Scraper typeStationary
Throwing Distance25 feet
Capacity per minute1100 lbs/minute
Capacity per minute (kg)499
Capacity per minute (tons)0.55
Capacity per hour (lbs)65999
Capacity per hour (kg)29877.3
Capacity per hour (tons)33.00
Engine Type4-cycle OHV
Cylinder displacement99 cc
Fuel Tank Capacity0.34 gal. (Or 1.3L / 1 qts.)
Propulsion & Control
Drive system typeRotor propelled
Other Specs & Features
Manufacture product ID38472
Claimed qualitiesNumber one brand of single-stage snowblowers in the United States of America
Warranty2 years
Release year2014
Physical Specs


Powered by a small 99cc 4-cycle OHV engine, the Toro Power Clear 518 ZR is labelled with an ambitious 1100 lbs of snow per minute clearing capacity and 25-foot throwing distance. It is equipped with Toro's Power Curve system, which aims to eliminate clogging and move snow fast. It also has a locking zip deflector, a technology used by Toro to simplify adjustments to the snow deflector. It also has a clearing width of 18 inches on a height of nine inches, both of which are pretty standard specs for single-stage snow blowers.

Also known as: Toro 38472, Toro Power Clear 518 ZE (Electric-start version).

General Toro Power Clear 518 ZR Information

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