Our Top 5 Best hOmeLabs Air Conditioners (As Of March 2025) for the U.S., Based On 100s Of Reviews
Here are the top 5 hOmeLabs air conditioners followed by a list of their latest models:
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* How do we know? Here is how we rank items...

hOmeLabs HME030525N

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The Five Latest HOmeLabs (as Of March, 2025)

hOmeLabs HME030527N

hOmeLabs HME030526N

hOmeLabs HME030528N

hOmeLabs HME030341N

hOmeLabs HME030342N
And Two Of Their 8000 BTU Window Air Conditioners

hOmeLabs HME030525N

hOmeLabs HME030340N
Don't miss: All the 8000 BTU window air conditioners
Four Mini-split Models

hOmeLabs HME030357N

hOmeLabs HME030358N

hOmeLabs HME030356N

hOmeLabs HME030359N
Don't miss: All the split air conditioners
A Few 110V Window Models

hOmeLabs HME030343N

hOmeLabs AC-188
Don't miss: All the 110V-120V window air conditioners
The Three Latest HOmeLabs Portable Air Conditioners (as Of March, 2025)

hOmeLabs HME020379N

hOmeLabs 10L
Don't miss: All the portable air conditioners
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